Photo: Hannah Morgan
"One of the most cunning tricks of the enemy is to get us to sink our energy into changing instead of focusing it on cultivating health and wellness in Christ."
-Priscilla Shirer, Armor of God Bible Study
Do you ever get gung-ho for change? Ever try to tackle that bad habit or attitude only to come up exhausted? Ever think, "Ok. This week I'm going to eat healthy. Everything vegetables baby! Boom." Then, by Wednesday you have eaten an entire quart of Ben and Jerry's.
Me too.
I tend to be a go-getter, and there's nothing wrong with that personality style. But chasing life-change versus chasing the Life-Changer is a big deal.
When we try to muster up our own goods works, or a better version of ourselves, we almost always fall short and wear ourselves out in the process.
It's not in striving, but in saturating ourselves with the character & words of Jesus that we begin to change.
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There's a reason Jesus says in John 15,
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in Me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
What is the solution to this Ben & Jerry's life-change problem?
The more deeply we connect to The Vine, the more nutrients we receive from the Father. His power, His nutritive juices, His Spirit, begins to flow in and through us, and eventually out of us. When we are well nourished, our branches automatically start to bear the fruit of righteousness. Our lives begin to change, and so do our desires.
Can I tell you a funny prayer I whispered this morning? "God, please help me to crave foods that will heal my body." So practical right? I ate an entire jar of hot fudge over the weekend, mostly in one sitting. I'm not gonna lie. It was delicious. But it was not benign. And trust me, moderation left the building.
So I need this prayer right now. I can't make myself change immediately. All I can do is plug into the power of Jesus, abide, and ask Him for healthy cravings. Then let that abiding begin to change my decisions and hankerings, one choice at a time.
That's me. What about you?
- Is your Bible dusty? Pick it up.
- Is your mouth full of gossip? Start speaking Scripture.
- Are you bored in church? Grab some sermon podcasts or watch them online. It is AMAZING how much content is readily available.
“Live in me. Make your home in me just as I do in you. In the same way that a branch can’t bear grapes by itself but only by being joined to the vine, you can’t bear fruit unless you are joined with me.
John 15:4 (The Message)
Have a great week!