(Yep, those are my feet. Um...disgusting.)
I'm at a detox clinic this week, and I put my feet into this clear water. And over a course of 2 hours, I watch the water turn into puke-green, nastiness. Yuck!
Sometimes we have no idea the toxins inside of us. Physically or spiritually. It takes a moment of clarity, of cleansing, of detoxification to face our reality.
Have you ever gotten into a heated conversation and exploded with nastiness? When this happens to me, I think, "Who is this toxic alien that just took over and mouthed off?" We aren't even aware of what's inside us until…that toxic volcano erupts all over the people we love most.
God sees all of our toxins. He knows us inside and out. He knows what we've taken in, that maybe we shouldn't have. He knows what sins we've grown accustomed to and consider "friendly" bacteria. He can even point out the undercover sins, the stealth ones, that have fooled our souls.
Just like this detox clinic I’m going to…I have to show up. I have to arrive for my appointment. I have to be up for the "cleansing."
If God wants to draw something out, get rid of something, or eliminate something, I have to agree to it. God is the best detox specialist. He died on the cross to clear every sinful, toxic substance in our mind, soul, and heart.
Thoughts .
He wants to clear out the dysfunction, but He needs our consent. Will you consent? Will you give God permission? We do this by openly repenting; by making every part of our soul accessible to God; by asking Him to cleanse us, forgive us, and change our minds about it. That's it.
Sometimes detox is painful. It makes us painfully aware of our shortcomings, our insufficiencies. We look at our dirty water and get grossed out.
But it's worth it.
On the other side of the pain is purity. And Matthew 5 says, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God." On the other side of the toxicity, we get fresh vision, fresh eyes, and a spiritual clarity to see the very heart of God.
In essence, purity promotes intimacy (In To Me See).
"Lord purify my heart. Restore my innocence in our relationship. Help me be quick to repent, and ready to receive Your cleansing work in every area of my life."
Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Rachel B.