Photo: Quino Al. // Ever have a day like this? Might be time to turn it over...
Ever had a crash and burn kinda day? By 10am today I found myself needing to repent of my mouth and bad attitude…for the third time.
All I can say is, sometimes we just need more God and less us in the mix. Today was such a day. I can't live without Jesus. He puts the sane in my sanity.
Instead of persisting in my day and getting more and more wound up and caught in a pickle…I paused. I literally pulled the car into an empty parking lot and just sat there. Breathing. I took a moment to recalibrate; to turn everything, my stressful circumstance, over to Jesus and to let Him reroute my day.
If you're going down a wrong track…going further in frustration won't lead you where you want to go. It's just going to lead you further away from where you want to be. A "You-Turn" may be in order.
My attitude was inflamed. I was upset over something I had very little control over. But instead of persisting in it, I decided a pause was better. And in that moment of pause, I got clear-headed enough to simply ask God for help.
It's not when things are going right in our world that our true character shows. It's in the roadblocks, the detours, the frustrations when our TRUE YOU gets highlighted. In this moment, God was revealing to me some of the things I still needed to work on. Things I don't need to lose my cool over. Ever need those reminders?
Hey, I don't know what kind of squeeze or stress or pressure you're feeling today. But no matter what you're facing, I hope you'll take a moment to turn it over to God. Ask Him to intervene. To help. To provide wisdom and guidance…and you may want to do this before you send that snippy text or retaliatory email back. Just a thought. (I may or may not have sent an angry, sarcastic email to a physician today…ahem.)
Step 3 says:
We made a decision to turn our lives and our wills over to the care of God.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God - this is your spiritual act of worship. Romans 12:1
The Celebrate Recovery principles says this:
Consciously choose to commit all my life and will to Christ’s care and control. (Step 3)
“Happy are the meek.” Matt. 5:5
"I need a whole lot of Christ's care and control today.
If not, my cares get out of control."
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Song #3 for the Freedom Soundtrack is "Turn It Over" Here are the lyrics and little sample to listen to.
TURn It Over
(Rachel Barrentine, Jill Miller)
I’m making a decision
I can't live another minute
without you
When all is said and done
I know You're the only One
I should run to
I’m letting go of ev’ry habit that holds me back…
I'm gonna turn, turn, turn it over, my will and my plans
Gonna let You take, take, take control of all that I am
Your grace turns me upside down
With joy my heart is crying out
As I turn, turn, turn it over…right now
Don’t want to dip my toes,
It’s time for me to dive and go
all the way in
Cuz’ everything I’ve tried, has left me feeling dead inside
til You came in
With all my heart, mind, and all my strength…
Your love is perfect, Your cross is the proof
Your ways are higher, I’m trusting You…
Have a great week!
Rachel B.