(Photo by Aarón Blanco Tejedor on Unsplash)
Before we get to today's affirmation, I would like to provide some helpful information. Sickness is a part of the curse, the fall, and it was not God's original intention for us. The Bible teaches this. The primary way we know this to be true, is that man was not originally created to die. Man was to live with limitless communion with God in the Garden - in perfect health, vitality, and life. It was after sin was introduced and chosen that sickness, infirmity, shame, and disconnection from God occurred. Because of this, we know that God's heart towards us is health and life.
I believe we are called to bring the Father's heart and will to our world. This is what Jesus teaches when He taught the disciples to pray the famous "Lord's Prayer". In this beautiful prayer, Jesus says, "Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done." These are key phrases and clues on how to pray. If we were to dig into the Greek, we would hear the command form of these phrases…and they'd say something like, "Kingdom of God: COME!! Will of God: BE DONE!" They are emphatic and declarative in nature. That's the original meaning and grammatical structure.
Question: Why would Jesus tell us to pray like this?
Perhaps it is because there is so much that happens in our world that is NOT His heart, intention, or will for us. He's not un-powerful or timid, but He does give us the freedom to choose and make decisions. We all make horrible decisions at times. This prayer reminds us to pull the heart of heaven down to earth. It reminds us to be in communion with God and to call down His will and heart for us. Our prayers and words matter.
That's what this affirmation is about. From personal experience, I've seen a lot of people experience prolonged illness. I've walked through it myself. I believe sickness is a plot of the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy. God, however, is so redemptive in nature, that He often uses the sickness, that the enemy has brought on us, to bring glory to Himself and to save others. This doesn't mean that sickness should get glory. Nor that sickness is God’s “fault.” This does mean that God is really good at being redemptive. It also means that when we experience sickness, we should keep our eyes open to how God is going to use and redeem the situation. And, simultaneously, it is right and good to PUSH BACK against that sickness; to go to the doctor, to do the treatment, to seek prayer. We are in alignment with God and His kingdom when we stand up to it, push back, rebuke, and cancel the demonic assignment over our lives.
(Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash)
What am I saying? Stand up to sickness. Don't let it be the loudest voice. Don't make it comfortable in your body or let it become your status quo. Fight! And if you're too weary to fight, find a tribe that can fight with you and for you! Find your prayer warriors. They are out there. And they are ready to stand with you and do spiritual warfare with their prayers.
I realize eventually we all die. There's no getting around that. And we all get the flu or colds and various things throughout our lives. We don't need to pretend that we aren't sick (if we are). We don't need to sensationalize or make up a miracle. BUT, and this is a big but, our mindset makes a huge difference in our healing.
Our mindset and our words make a huge difference in our health or sickness.
So please, please, be careful little mouths what you say!
Be sure to release and speak life over yourself. Release Jesus' healing virtue over yourself and your loved ones. This is good and right to do. Everywhere that Jesus went, while He was on earth, He healed people. God is in the business of healing! Align with His heart about this. Get it deep into your spirit. God is a Healer, and He wants to heal - even you!
I hope you'll speak this affirmation frequently and fervently over yourself, knowing that you are lining up with God's point of view!
I declare that all sickness, infirmity, affliction, depression and anxiety are rendered powerless over my body, mind, and spirit in Jesus name. All assignments of sickness, infirmity, affliction, pestilence, depression and anxiety are hereby revoked in the name of Jesus Christ.
Isaiah 53:5 NLT “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.”
Matthew 8:14-17 ESV “14 And when Jesus entered Peter's house, he saw his mother-in-law lying sick with a fever. 15 He touched her hand, and the fever left her, and she rose and began to serve him. 16 That evening they brought to him many who were oppressed by demons, and he cast out the spirits with a word and healed all who were sick.17 This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah: ‘He took our illnesses and bore our diseases.’ ”
This Matthew passage makes clear that Jesus not only heals our sin, but also our sicknesses in our bodies. He bore our physical diseases. This is why it is good to stand with Jesus, in agreement, and push against sickness.
You might have a million questions bouncing around in your brain. I certainly don't have all the answers. Healing, as beautiful as it is, sometimes get controversial in the church arena. I really don't know why. I encourage you to keep it simple. Jesus healed and Jesus prayed. Go and do likewise.
Rachel B.
Over-Achiever PS:
If you want an additional boost on healing in Scripture…
Psalm 91 is a POWERHOUSE, and it's a great one to memorize!