Photo by Edwin Andrade on Unsplash
I am not the Savior; the weight of the world is not mine to bear or fix. God is able and in control. I joyfully partner with God, resting in His strength, His provision, and His peace.
As Easter approaches, I'm reminded that God is sovereign, in control, and has already conquered the darkness. Every victory I experience now was procured at the cross and empty grave. Please let this truth seep into your soul because it changes everything.
If you are the type of person that tends to over-achieve, perform to succeed or be loved, or you struggle with co-dependency, this affirmation is just what the Good Doctor ordered. You and I don't have to save the world from pain or problems. In fact, even with our best efforts and over-achieving, we can't.
I’m thankful for the Savior. This means, I don't have to be one.
What is our role and mission? To love God and to love people. We must leave all the superhero stuff to Jesus. He is fighting our battles. His presence is always with us. We get to partner with God in what He is already at work doing. Our intentional decisions make a world of difference, but the ultimate saving and rescuing is in Christ Himself.
Give people Jesus.
I often experience a little bit of anxiety when people approach me with their health problems. Their issues are often heavy and complex. I am moved by their stories and pain. In those small moments of fear though, The Great Physician, quietly reminds me that He is the Healer. He holds every provision for their needs. My true responsibility and call is to give them Jesus. Nothing more, nothing less.
What does that look like? Honestly, this can look like a myriad of things. I can study and read health books and resources to offer practical tools for people. I can lay hands on and pray over people. I can listen and offer a gentle hug when they're hurting. I can surprise them with a gift of comfort in some way. Or I can make them a meal and bring it over.
In the words of Iris Global Ministries, "Love looks like something."
Giving people Jesus means loving them right where they are. But it also means I leave my superhero cape in the suitcase. God uses people to bring about His will in the world. But the heavy-lifting is on Him. He is the Savior, the Miracle-Maker, the Deliverer. And this truth sets me free to be a child of God that loves people, not a Savior trying to play God.
Job 26:7-8 (NASB) “He stretches out the north over empty space, And hangs the earth on nothing. He wraps up the waters in His clouds; And the cloud does not burst under them.”
Hebrews 1:3 (NLT) “The Son radiates God’s own glory and expresses the very character of God, and he sustains everything by the mighty power of his command. When he had cleansed us from our sins, he sat down in the place of honor at the right hand of the majestic God in heaven.”
I hope this affirmation helps take the pressure off. Take a deep breath. Pray for your loved ones. Lay hands on the sick. Then keep reminding yourself to give 'em Jesus.
Jesus is more than enough.
Rachel B.
Need some hope? I have a new Scripture meditation I just released. You can find "Meditations for Hope" on iTunes, Spotify, and other online stores. And just so you know, I planned these meditations so that you can take a deep breath between each Scripture. Let these meditations give your body and spirit an opportunity to decompress, rest, and be refreshed as you listen.
I’m dropping a new single called “GO IN THE JOY” on Good Friday this week. It is a song well-timed for Easter. I hope you will check it out and enjoy this new tune.
Here is a Pre-Save link: