Available NOW! Click HERE to order.
($15 each or $100/10-pack.)
Hello friend! The CD's have finally arrived. For now, they are only available in a physical format. (They aren't up on iTunes yet.) If you would like to hear some of the songs, head over to FreedomSoundtrack.com to listen. You can order your albums there or on my website. Either way, Jill & I will split the proceeds and use it towards ministry and furthering the good news.
Sorry to keep this so brief, but I am heading off to another ladies retreat in a few minutes. I pray your week is going well and that God continues to refresh you as you spend time with Him. On a quick aside, I think Jesus loves spiritual hunger. I think He shows up to those with expectant, wide-open hearts. If you want more of God, just tell Him. Ask Him. Show your hunger by creating space and quiet in your schedule to listen and tune in. Special things happen when we do this.
2 Chron. 16:9 says,
"For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His." (NASB)
Have you be strongly supported this week!
Rachel B.