Photo: Paul Morris
A couple weeks ago I wrote about my conversation with God...the journey of healing He is taking me on. November seems to be the month He whispered to me a few years ago. But I need to come right out and say it. My hope is not in November. It's not in the healing. It's in the Healer. It's in Jesus. And there's a big difference.
There's a hope for us today, right here, right now. It's not just a hope down the road. God's power, strength, grace, and provision are available and accessible in the nitty gritty of everyday. Today.
After all, His name is I AM.
What is the hope we have today? It's a fresh set of mercies each morning. It's the little things God does for me that allows me to breathe, to slow down, to just be. It's the continual meeting of my needs in the midst of illness.
A few days ago I woke up itching everywhere. I couldn't sleep. It was incessant. I got up and took a shower. It worked. But when I finished the shower and started to get ready for my day, a wave of exhaustion hit like no other. I hadn't slept much because of the itching. So I just laid back down, wet hair and all. I fell sound asleep. The Lord provided an extra 2 hours to give my body what it desperately needed. That's grace. And grace produces hope.
It doesn’t always look spiritual. You don't always have to find it in a church. Sometimes it's the extra few minutes of sleep. It's the phone call with good news. It's the car accident that almost happened…but didn't. It's the unexpected email from a friend. It's a moment with a friend's brand new baby. It's an A on a term paper. It's a smile from your dog. Or an invitation to participate in something you never could have imagined.
I don't want to wait for grace. I want God to open my eyes to the grace already in progress all around me. I want to be aware. Even if I'm waiting on a bigger miracle.
Lord open my spiritual eyes and ears to the grace already in progress.
Here's the deal. When we are aware of God's grace, we have hope for today. When we are unaware, our hope slowly evaporates. The choice is up to us.
Psalm 25:5
"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long." (NIV)
Rachel B.