
5 Ways To Worship When You're Weary

It's not easy to keep going when you're tired. Fatigue zaps us of our strength. Weariness wears on your bones and your soul. How do you keep going when you're all out of "go?" What's the secret sauce to getting your spiritual fervor back?


Honestly, I don't know. It's probably different for everybody. You and God are the only ones who know exactly what you have gone through and what you're currently going through. Even the people going through difficulties with you don't fully understand because they aren't you. They don't have your perspective, history, etc. Your perception and experiences are unique to you.


But let me offer you five ways to worship when you are weary. These aren't fix-all solutions. You won't master them in five minutes. This isn't a secret sauce or magic snake oil. But they do work if you work them. Why? Because…


Worship is a weapon.

Worship does spiritual warfare.

Worship is a nuisance to the enemy...

A Prayer for the Striving Heart

I commit to walk in Your Word and Your ways.

Come set the pace. Come make me brave.

With peace in my right hand, and trust in my left,

I let go of striving, and enter Your rest.

Hope Already In Progress

A couple weeks ago I wrote about my conversation with God...the journey of healing He is taking me on. November seems to be the month He whispered to me a few years ago.But I need to come right out and say it. My hope is not in November. It's not in the healing. It's in the Healer. It's in Jesus. And there's a big difference.

A Prayer for a Clear Mind

 Dear God,

You are the Author of peace and clarity.

You bring all things into perfect order.

You align the stars and put Earth into orbit...

My Heart to Heart With God...

God and I had a heart to heart this week. I've struggled for health over the last 20 years. It's been a haul. But a while back, God whispered that He would heal me…and He even put a timeframe on it. November 2016. Do you know how scary that is to write?

Stop Agreeing With The Enemy

"Anything less than truth, will leave you less than free."

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Little whispers. Little lies. Sometimes we can be talked into something that has no business being in our brain. Usually these little lies have a fair amount of truth twisted in with them. This is what makes it so difficult to untangle and figure out. But if we aren't paying attention, we begin to agree with something that's downright harmful to us.


For example…