
Do you need a song of rest in this busy season? Me too.

Friends, I can't even begin to tell you how exhausted I am. I don't think I realized how depleted I was getting with all the travel, speaking engagements, book writing, Twelve-Record finishing, and then 10 days of pokes, prods, MRI's and other body-taxing tests at the Mayo clinic in November. 

Exhausted is an understatement.

I could feel it coming on. It was like a train wreck in slow motion. And Depression was a tiger in the corner just waiting to pounce. I knew I needed to slow down, but my schedule was filled, and I'm a person who keeps commitments. So onward I pushed. Caffeinating. Sugar-ing. Chocolate-ing. Pain-medicating...with good cause, really. But my body has been suffering. Ever been here? Click to read on...

5 Ways To Worship When You're Weary

It's not easy to keep going when you're tired. Fatigue zaps us of our strength. Weariness wears on your bones and your soul. How do you keep going when you're all out of "go?" What's the secret sauce to getting your spiritual fervor back?


Honestly, I don't know. It's probably different for everybody. You and God are the only ones who know exactly what you have gone through and what you're currently going through. Even the people going through difficulties with you don't fully understand because they aren't you. They don't have your perspective, history, etc. Your perception and experiences are unique to you.


But let me offer you five ways to worship when you are weary. These aren't fix-all solutions. You won't master them in five minutes. This isn't a secret sauce or magic snake oil. But they do work if you work them. Why? Because…


Worship is a weapon.

Worship does spiritual warfare.

Worship is a nuisance to the enemy...

Shame Off You

Hello friends! It's been a while! Instead of feeling guilt or shame for not keeping in touch and providing your weekly spiritual nuggets, I'm simply gonna say, "Shame Off Me." Ever need to say that to yourself? Check out the fun story behind my new song "Shame Off You", and don't forget to grab a copy of my new book, BOLD. See ya on the blog! Joyfully, Rachel B.

A Prayer For Resilience

Dear Papa,

I praise You for Your strength, grit, and tenacity.

You never lose. You never give up.

Make my spirit buoyant, like a lighthouse on the water.

Make me Lion-hearted, stubborn with fearless obedience...



A Prayer For the "Stray"

Today, I want to share a poem/prayer I wrote

in response to an anonymous poem called, "Stray."   

You drew a line, a line in the sand.

You wrote it in blood, the love of The Lamb.

It can't be revoked, removed, or undone,

The Lamb who was slain conquered and won.

Depression must bow, despair must retreat.

Shame has been pierced, it falls at Your feet.

A Prayer for a New Year

Usually I set goals for a new year. But I have to say, this year...I'm not in the mood. That's not a good reason. At the heart of the mood, is a sense of not wanting to go one more year trying to "make it happen." Whatever "it" is. Sometimes, "it" is just exhausting. So tonight as I write this, rather than adding pressure on myself (and you, since I assume you're reading this...because you are...) I thought I'd just share a prayer with you to kick off this New Year. After all, this is the day the Lord has made. And days eventually makes years. 

Therefore, this is the year the Lord has made. Let us rejoice!



A new year is before me.

I don't know what to expect, or what to hope for.

But all my days lie before You perfectly, patiently, peacefully.

31 Days of Prayer in December

I decided to make a simple prayer guide for us through the month of December. 31 days. Specific people to pray for each day. Before I dive in, let me give you three pointers for prayer.


1.  Put yourself in these situations and ask: What would I want someone to pray for if I was in this situation? Then pray that.


2. If you think of any verses or Scriptures specific to these situations; if any verses come to your mind as you are praying, put your finger on that verse while you pray and boldly proclaim that promise of God in prayer.


3. Pray in a command form. Like this: "Lord, give us this day our daily bread!" That's how Jesus taught us to pray. Not like this:  "Lord, if it's okay with you, would you please think about maybe providing for us?" Pray boldly. Intercede. Press in for each of these daily needs. Tell God exactly what you need and what you want in each of these scenarios. This is how He teaches us to pray.


Okay. Are you ready? Feel free to print this out and post it somewhere to remind you each day.

A Prayer To Never Give Up

Oh Lord, do not let me grow weary in doing good.

Remind me of Your rewarding character.

Refuel my faith with holy passion.

Keep me on paths of righteousness,

For Your name's sake...