Photo: Ben White
As we head into the holidays, I don't know about you, but I need a guide to keep my heart and eyes on the right things.
I decided to make a simple prayer guide for us through the month of December. 31 days. Specific people to pray for each day. Before I dive in, let me give you three pointers for prayer.
1. Put yourself in these situations and ask: What would I want someone to pray for if I was in this situation? Then pray that.
2. If you think of any verses or Scriptures specific to these situations; if any verses come to your mind as you are praying, put your finger on that verse while you pray and boldly proclaim that promise of God in prayer.
3. Pray in a command form. Like this: "Lord, give us this day our daily bread!" That's how Jesus taught us to pray. Not like this: "Lord, if it's okay with you, would you please think about maybe providing for us?" Pray boldly. Intercede. Press in for each of these daily needs. Tell God exactly what you need and what you want in each of these scenarios. This is how He teaches us to pray.
Okay. Are you ready? Feel free to print this out and post it somewhere to remind you each day.
Dec. 1 Pray for people who are lonely, and who experience greater lonliness or abandonment through the holidays. Pray for widows and widowers. Keyword: LOVE
Dec. 2 Pray for those who feel unloved and unlovable. Keywords: BREAKTHROUGH and LOVE
Dec. 3 Pray for those without a home; for the shelters and missions who reach out to this population. Keyword: HOME and LOVED
Dec. 4 Pray for prisoners who feel abandoned, unworthy, and unnoticed. Keyword: LOVE
Dec. 5 Pray for people in the midst of divorces or on the verge. Pray for healthy marriages. Keyword: RESTORATION and HEALING
Dec. 6 Pray for people with prodigal, wayward children. Keyword: RESTORATION
Dec. 7 Pray for those with chronic, incurable diseases and illnesses. Keyword: HEALING
Dec. 8 Pray for those with mental illness; who struggle with depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, and other mental health challenges. Keywords: JOY and HEALING
Dec. 9 Pray for people who lack clean water; whose bellies are full of worms, parasites, and other disease. Keywords: PROVISION and HEALING
Dec. 10 Pray for the weary, exhausted, worn out, and those on the verge of giving up. Keyword: HOPE and REST
Dec. 11 Pray for people taking care of elderly parents or family; or caregivers of family/friends. Keyword: REFRESHMENT
Dec. 12 Pray for those whose God-given dreams have died; who feel defeated, stuck, and unsure of the next season. Pray for open doors, fresh ideas, and creative strategies. Keyword: HOPE
Dec. 13 Pray for the sons and daughters trapped in sex-slavery; for breakthrough, freedom, redemption, restoration, and rescue. Keywords: FREEDOM and HOPE
Dec. 14 Pray for people in financial trouble - losing their homes, stuck in debt, worrying about making payments, mortgages, and rent. Keyword: FREEDOM
Dec. 15 Pray for people addicted to drugs, alcohol, porn, or other unhealthy, destructive habits and thought patterns. Keyword: FREEDOM
Dec. 16 Pray for people struggling from hurts of their past; sexual or physical abuse, neglect, shame. Keyword: FREEDOM
Dec. 17 Pray for people and children who are hungry, who lack food and basic nutritional needs. Keyword: PROVISION
Dec. 18 Pray for people who want to work but can't find a job, for open doors and divine opportunities. Keyword: PROVISION
Dec. 19 Pray for people who don't have a relationship with Jesus; who are doing life on their own and are exhausted from it. Keyword: SALVATION
Dec. 20 Pray for terrorists to be stopped; for them to repent and turn to Jesus. Keyword: REPENTANCE
Dec. 21 Pray for people who are lying, stealing, and cheating other people - that their sins and schemes would come to light. Keyword: REPENTANCE
Dec. 22 Pray for God to break the spirit of greed, selfishness, and consumerism in America and other wealthy parts of the world. Keywords: REPENTANCE
Dec. 23 Pray for people who don't think they need prayer or God. Pray for the spirit of pride and self-sufficiency to be revoked. Keyword: HUMILITY
Dec. 24 Pray for people who feel entitled and have lost their sense of gratitude. Keyword: HUMILITY
Dec. 25 Pray for those who are workaholics; who have lost sight of what is truly important; for right priorities to re-enter their hearts and minds. Keyword: PRIORITIES
Dec. 26 Pray for our governmental leaders (like them or not); for God's will to be done; for wisdom and integrity. Keyword: WISDOM
Dec. 27 Pray for students who are struggling to keep their faith; to reconcile their faith with science and what's being taught in their schools. Pray for truth and evidence to unfold, for the presence of Holy Spirit to be felt and understood. Keyword: FAITH
Dec. 28 Pray for non-profits all over the world who are seeking to be Jesus' hands and feet. That they would not grow weary in doing good. Keywords: STRENGTH and ENDURANCE
Dec. 29 Pray for pastors who are teaching truth, who are faithful to God but under fire from the enemy, their congregations, or just discouraged. Keyword: COURAGE AND ENDURANCE
Dec. 30 Pray for the persecuted church, believers and new-believers who are being tortured or persecuted for their faith especially in Asia and the Middle East. For Muslims converting to Christianity and putting their lives on the line. For boldness and protection. Keyword: COURAGE
Dec. 31 Pray for fresh waves of joy, generosity, grace and compassion to flood this nation and our world. Keyword: CHRIST-LIKENESS and COMPASSION