not quite enough

A Prayer for a New Year

Usually I set goals for a new year. But I have to say, this year...I'm not in the mood. That's not a good reason. At the heart of the mood, is a sense of not wanting to go one more year trying to "make it happen." Whatever "it" is. Sometimes, "it" is just exhausting. So tonight as I write this, rather than adding pressure on myself (and you, since I assume you're reading this...because you are...) I thought I'd just share a prayer with you to kick off this New Year. After all, this is the day the Lord has made. And days eventually makes years. 

Therefore, this is the year the Lord has made. Let us rejoice!



A new year is before me.

I don't know what to expect, or what to hope for.

But all my days lie before You perfectly, patiently, peacefully.