Photo: Sander Smeekes
Hi God. Here I am.
I know.
Sometimes I chase squirrels.
Sometimes I am the squirrel.
Please forgive me for my lack of focus,
and my silly distractions that send me in circles.
But can I be honest?
Part of why I'm not doing what You've asked me to do is because…
I'm scared.
There. I said it.
I'm procrastinating out of fear.
Sorry about that.
Please forgive me and give me courage.
Help me to sit my rear down,
Or get up off a that thang…
And do what You've asked me to do.
Lord reshape my heart.
Help me get my brave on.
Put Your inner urgency and immediacy into my spirit.
Holy Spirit, keep my heart soft.
And please don't stop nudging me to do the right thing.
Instead of delay, help me obey.
Instead of tomorrow, help me today.
Instead of later, lead me right now.
In Jesus name, identity, and character I pray,