(Photo: John Gibbons)
Dear Jesus,
You are the Breaker that goes up before me.
You are at the head, leading the way.
You open a door for me that no one can close.
No matter what strength I have,
You keep Your Word, and fulfill Your promises.
You make waters in the wilderness,
And streams in the wasteland.
You trample upon serpents
and shut the mouths of lions.
You are my Light and my Salvation.
Whom shall I fear?
Every place the sole of my foot treads,
You have given to me.
Great deliverance, victory, and mercy are mine
Through Your loving-kindness.
Open the floodgates of heaven.
Pour out your storehouses of blessing.
My cup overflows.
I can do all things through Your strength.
I overwhelmingly conquer because You love me.
You have fatally wounded the enemy.
I will not give up, give in,
or give way to a lesser destiny.
Now break through every barrier and obstacle.
Let's scale the walls of impossible together.
In Jesus name,
Verse References:
Rev. 3:8, Micah 2:13, Is 43:19-20, Josh. 1:3-4, Psalm 18:50, Psalm 91:13, Daniel 6:22, Psalm 23, Psalm 27:1, Phil 4:13, Rom 8:37, Josh. 6, Eph. 2:10, Jer. 29:11