(Photo: Christopher Burns)
Dear God,
We recognize every good and perfect gift comes from You.
Thank You for blessing our land and our people.
Help us to bless You.
You are our Provider and Sustainer;
Our Source for everything we need in life.
We declare our dependence on You.
We stand grateful for the freedom to worship and honor You openly.
Be Healing and Hope to our veterans.
Breathe courage and protection over our troops.
Break forth wellsprings of compassion and unity in our homeland;
For every race, every color, and every creed.
Bring peace and rest to every nation; to Your world.
We. Need. You.
We often say "God bless America."
But today, we rise up in a new anthem.
"America, bless God."
In Jesus name,
For music to help you step into personal freedom,
recovery, and wholeness,