(Photo by Daryn Bartlett on Unsplash)
We don't have normal locks on the doors to our house. We have those digital locks with a keypad. It doesn't require a key. It requires a code. We like this because when our hands are full of groceries we don't have to dig inside our pocket or purse to find a key. We simply punch in the code and gain access to unlock the door. It's very convenient.
We have several different codes, and we don't give out the same code to everybody. We have a visitor's code, a housecleaner code, and even our own personal codes. Why? Because those codes provide a certain amount of authority. When we recently changed housecleaners, we changed the code to the door and gave our new housecleaners a new code. We didn't want to leave the old code the same because the folks with that old code could come into our home any time they wanted.
There's a similar parallel to the spiritual realm. Matthew 28:8 says, "And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.'" If all authority belongs to Jesus, then how is it that the devil has any authority at all on earth? How does he gain access and authority in our life?
In short: We give him the access code.
When we believe the devil's lies, or listen to his deceit, or surrender to temptation, we give the devil access to a piece of our lives. It opens a door for him to come in and have authority in that area of our life. Whatever ground we give him, he will gladly take. When human beings sinned in the garden long ago, when they listened to the devil's lies, they turned over their God-given authority to the enemy. He then took that legal authority and began to wreak havoc. Our sin gives the enemy an access code to get in.
So how do we take that legal authority back? How do we change the code on the door?
1. Resist. James 4:7 says, "So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." We resist him. We don't give into further temptation.
2. Bind him in the name of Jesus. Matthew 16;19 says, "I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." We agree with the kingdom of heaven. Jesus resisted the devil and casted demons out of people. He had total authority over them because He never sinned. So how do we change the door code? We bind what Jesus binds. We loose what Jesus looses. We bind and loose in the name of Jesus.
3. Repent. Acts 3:19 says, "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord;" Repentance is like a reset button. It resets the code on the door too.
Repentance is like a reset button.
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4. Do good. Romans 12:21 says, "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Our obedience to God, our faith, and our good deeds work to break off the strongholds of the devil.
5. Use your mouth to declare truth. You can say something like this: "I break off all agreements with the devil in this area, and I take back my God-given authority in this area in Jesus name. I no longer listen to the lies of the enemy or give into temptations in this area. I fully repent. And I speak God's truth over this area in my life and take back the legal jurisdiction and authority that Christ paid for on the cross. In the name of Jesus I revoke the assignment of the enemy."
So there you go! 5 simple ways to keep your heart home safe. All authority does indeed belong to God. When we keep our hearts pure before Him and align our hearts and minds with Him, we don't give the enemy a foothold. Instead we abide in Christ, and our life begins to bear the good fruit of the Holy Spirit.
Rachel B.