(Photo by freestocks.org on Unsplash)
Today, as I was spending time with the Holy Spirit, He revealed to me that I have agreed with the lie of perfectionism and the resulting hyper-vigilance. I don't know if you've ever felt like you always need to compete, be perfect, or constantly be looking over your shoulder. But this is a prayer for those of us who struggle in this area. It's time to break off those agreements with lies, and believe the truth about how God sees us. Be blessed!
Dear Papa,
Somewhere along the line I learned to take care of myself.
I felt the need to always be looking over my shoulder.
I began to put the magnifying glass on my own mistakes,
rather than on Your perfection.
Please forgive me.
It has only added pressure, anxiety, and prolonged worry into my life.
These are heavy stones you never meant for me to carry.
Oh Papa, fix my eyes back on you.
I rebuke the spirits of hyper-vigilance and perfectionism in the name of Jesus.
I no longer believe the lie that I must be perfect to be a person.
"Be the best or don't bother" is not a phrase from You.
It is a man-made phrase built on the façade of perfectionism.
Someone put that on me long ago, and I agreed with it.
Right now, in the name of Jesus, I break all agreements with perfectionism, hyper-vigilance, and pressure.
I agree with You Jesus about Your blood.
The Lamb over me covers all my sin, all my blemishes, and all my imperfections.
I don't live under the weight of imperfection anymore.
I am free to live with legroom, breathing room.
I receive Your great gift to me,
and I apply it to my heart, soul, mind, and body.
Good-bye hyper-vigilance. Hello grace.