(Photo by Benjamin Faust on Unsplash)
Okay all you secret bowlers out there. You know who you are. You have your own ugly shoes, custom ball, and you don't tell anybody you like to bowl. Haha! I actually love bowling, though I don't go to the bowling alley very often. But every bowling alley I've ever been to has one thing in common:
Especially for the right-handed bowlers, those lanes get ruts. Why? Because of chronic use. The real question is...are those ruts helpful? Or do they steer your ball the wrong direction?
When we do something habitually, or hear something over and over, it creates a rut. But not all ruts are right. Sometimes they prevent us from success. Just like ruts, I believe lies operate the same way. When we hear, entertain, agree with, or listen to a lie long enough, we eventually fall into the rut of believing it. This, in turn, steers our actions and ultimate direction in life.
If you listen to a lie long enough, you'll eventually live it out. But living a lie won't set you free.
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Rolling down a wrong rut, listening to a lie, will never lead you to freedom.
Let me throw out some possible examples of lies:
- I'm not beautiful enough.
- I'm too old. I'm not relevant.
- I'm too young. Nobody will listen to me.
- I married the wrong person.
- My son or daughter is just like my ex...they're going to end up like _____.
- I am [enter your diagnosis/sickness here]. I'm never going to get well.
- Living paycheck to paycheck is just how it's going to be. There's no way to get out of this debt.
- If I could just retire, then I'd be happy.
- I have a temper. That's just how I'm wired.
- I don't feel completely male or female...my feelings leave me confused. I am a mistake.
- Why am I still single? There must be something wrong with me.
When we agree with lies or twisted truths, we give them lisence to wreak havoc in our life. In other words, agreement increases authority. This is true for lies or truth. Whatever we agree to, we give room for it to grow. We let it build a rut.
Don't listen to lies. Don't give creedance to them. Replace them with truth. If you don't know what the truth is, ask the Holy Spirit to tell you. Get into the Word of God. It's also worth noting that our feelings are some of the biggest culprits; they often lie. You don't have to listen to them. I understand they are real, but they should also be replaced with truth.
If your mind and thoughts are going down a wrong rut, bump that ball into the gutter. You actually have the power and authority to do so. Refuse to replay those mean words someone spoke over you. Don't live into that broken, deceitful reality. Speak, declare, decree, whisper, and pray truth (even God's own words) over you. That's how you build new ruts. Truth ruts.
Healing, on many levels, is ours for the taking. Truth is the primary pathway to wholeness.
Here are some great truths to combat those lies listed above:
- I am fearfully and wonderfully made. (Psalm 139)
- God has great purpose for me - all the way to the end of my life. I will find and fulfill those great purposes and be a blessing to somebody today. (Eph. 2:10)
- I won't let anyone look down on me because I'm young. I have something to offer, and I will continue to bring something to the table. I am growing in wisdom. (1 Tim. 4:12 )
- No marriage is perfect, but I'm in it to win it. I choose to love even when we hit bumps in the road. (Mark 10:9, Rom. 8:28)
- Prov 22:6 - I will do my best to love and train my children. God will take care of the rest. I speak love, joy, peace, patience, kindness and goodness over their lives. They will bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit as we abide in Jesus together. (Gal.5:22-23)
- I am not a sickness. I may have sickness in my body right now, but it is not my identity or who I am. God calls me the righteousness of Christ, not a diagnosis. (2 Cor. 5:21, Is. 53:4)
- I am not enslaved to debt. God will meet all of my needs. He is able to make grace abound and give me breathing room. I will steward my time, resources, and monies to the glory of God and watch God come through for me. (2 Cor. 9:8, Phil. 4:19, Luke 6:38)
- God has great joy for me right now in the middle of my circumstances. I choose joy and contentment. I look forward to retirement, but enjoy the presence of God right here, right now. (Phil 4:11-13)
- God is at work on my issues with anger. As I abide in Him, He becomes my peace, and I become a more peaceful, patient person. (Eph. 4:31, Eph. 2:14)
- I am fearfully and wonderfully made. I am who the Great I AM says I am. I am made in God's image as a [male or female]. God invites me to be more godly, not to worry about being more feminine or masculine. (Gen. 1:27, Gen. 1:31, Ps. 84:11, Psalm 139, Ps. 25:10)
- God has a plan for me and it is good. I enjoy my singleness, and undivided devotion to God, and I wait for His provision for me. Singleness is actually considered blessed according to His Word. (1 Cor. 7:7, Phil. 4:19, Ps. 27:14) PS - Jesus was single, and He was perfect. You're in good company.
Have a great weekend!
Rachel B.