
A Prayer For the "Stray"

Today, I want to share a poem/prayer I wrote

in response to an anonymous poem called, "Stray."   

You drew a line, a line in the sand.

You wrote it in blood, the love of The Lamb.

It can't be revoked, removed, or undone,

The Lamb who was slain conquered and won.

Depression must bow, despair must retreat.

Shame has been pierced, it falls at Your feet.

Does God Get His Will All the Time?

Does God always get His way? Is it God's will for acts of racism to take place? Is it God's will for unborn babies to die? Does God still work all things together for good? I wonder how many times we attribute things to God's will when in fact they are directly contradictory to His heart and will. I wonder if people can actually die before their time, before God wanted to call them home...let's dive in and talk about it.

When You're Sick of Being Sick

I had a young friend send me an email this week. She was inquiring about how to deal with sickness and stay involved in ministry. She has a similar background as me; a tough diagnosis with Lyme disease, but also an interest and gifting in music.  //   As I wrote her back, it became a bit of a wisdom-dump. Sometimes I don't even realize how much I've processed these things until someone asks me a question and I give an answer. So, instead of keeping this between her and I, I thought some of you might find these thoughts helpful.   //   Here was the question: "Rachel, I was wondering if you have any advice for someone in ministry struggling with this crazy disease [Lyme Disease]."  Here's what I wrote back...

When Christmas Is Gray

On this blog today:

#1 Spiritual Nugget: When Christmas is Gray...Four things I know when life gets confusing.

#2 SPOTIFY CHRISTMAS PLAYLIST: Some of my favorites this year - Check it out!

All His Benefits

As I've continued in my healing journey this month, the Lord brought an interesting memory to mind.


When I went to Azusa Pacific University, I was in two different choirs during my time there. I played piano and accompanied the 100-person ladies choir, Bel Canto. I also sang in the University Choir and Orchestra for a year. During both of those years, we sang a song called, "All His Benefits." Something about that song resonated so deeply in me, even back then. The lyrics are taken directly from Psalm 103.

Healing Has Launched!

Hello my friends! Healing has begun! This is a longer post. When you have a few extra minutes, I encourage you to sit down and soak this up.  This is one post you don't want to miss! 


It is with great excitement, astonishment, and elation that I tell you Jesus has begun His supernatural, physical, healing work in my life!! After 23 years of Lyme Disease, here's the rest of the story...

Able...but Willing?

Most of us believe God is able. But is He willing? We know He is powerful. We fully believe He healed diseases, raised the dead, and brought dignity back to a bleeding woman and untouchable lepers. We read those words in Scripture and think, "Yes! That's my God." But in the same breath, we don't believe He would do that for us. We think, "He wouldn't do that for me. " Not true. God was active then. He is active now. We don't worship a passive, distant God. If that's the God you are worshipping, you need to exchange Him for the real One...

Hope Already In Progress

A couple weeks ago I wrote about my conversation with God...the journey of healing He is taking me on. November seems to be the month He whispered to me a few years ago.But I need to come right out and say it. My hope is not in November. It's not in the healing. It's in the Healer. It's in Jesus. And there's a big difference.

My Heart to Heart With God...

God and I had a heart to heart this week. I've struggled for health over the last 20 years. It's been a haul. But a while back, God whispered that He would heal me…and He even put a timeframe on it. November 2016. Do you know how scary that is to write?